“Agriculture “at first sense you may assume it’s a general subject of art or business faculty. In our country at secondary and higher secondary level Agriculture is a common subject for dull students and easy to get A+ without any difficulty. But do you know from where you can get a higher degree and what is the basic requirement to study? I am not talking about diploma but B.Sc., PhD or higher degree.
Yes, Agriculture is the top most subject of the world as you think about Medical or Engineering. To study in Agriculture you have to pass your Secondary and higher secondary level with pure science. You may take agriculture as optional subject there but it will not be good for advance learning in Agriculture. So you should take higher math and biology for better understanding where higher math is essential. Your English proficiency must need to be good because the course material of this subject improving or changing very rapidly and update information is available in English only. There is no Bangla medium for higher study in Agriculture.
Agriculture is not a single subject, it is a complex combinations of biology, chemistry, bio chemistry, biotechnology, genetic Engineering, physics, statistics and other related subject because life science is too complex science that no one can never run a artificial life. Only almighty know the secret of life he can run it. We can only utilize it. You can't imagine about the range and opportunity of Bio-science like Agriculture.
Today the job opportunity of Agriculturist is very wide in our country and abroad. I will try to write a post about job opportunity in Agriculture. Now you can search a single unemployed parson in our country who completed his degree from an Agriculture University. I think you do not find anyone. Actually very few student get opportunity to study in Agriculture. Let know where you can get an opportunity in our country.
At first I can tell you about Bangladesh Agriculture University, the largest university of the Asia continent stands on more than 1200 acre land with high research facilities. Then I mast talk about Patuakhali Science and Technology University have a great faculty of agriculture with an amazing campus. The quality of teachers and research facilities is enough good. For higher education BSMRAU is one of the best universities in our country.
HSTU, Syllet Agriculture University, KU, RU, have also agriculture faculty having a great number of world imminent scientist. Any of that you can try to get admission. Remember the no of seat is limited everywhere so you have to be prepared for competitive examination. There are several coaching center are also available especially for admission in agriculture. You can get help from them. Details information can be easily found on their website. BDLink Toolbar contains all essential links for student including all of those.